Have you ever walked down the street and seen a bottle of beer lying on the floor? If you ask me, that's the worst type of outdoor ad a beer brand can have. The team at Ichnusa thought the same, and thus The Worst Ad Ever campaign was born. After seeing all the bottles of Ichnusa abandoned on the streets and beaches of Sardegna, they decided to take up action. We launched a print campaign with a very straightforward message: if it has to end like this, don't even drink us. A decisive message from Ichnusa and LePub to inspire respect and responsibility towards the Sardinian environment based on the relationship between the consumer and the product. In partnership with Legambiente, Ichnusa also organized beach cleanup groups and activities around the island of Sardegna to live up to the standards set by the print campaign in an "acts, not ads" effort.


Chief Creative Officer LePub : Francesco Poletti
Executive Creative Director: Andrey Tyukavkin
Executive Creative Director: Flavio Mainoli
Creative Director: Beatrice Mari
Associate Creative Director: Livio Gerosa
Associate Creative Director: Geo Joseph
Associate Creative Director: Valentino Borghesi
Senior Art Director: Thomas Aito
Junior Art Director: Francesco Liguori
Senior Copywriter: Federico Lommi
Copywriter: David Casares
Junior Copywriter: Francesco Codemo
Head of Strategy: Francesca Zedde
Senior Strategic Planner: Alex Moore
Strategic Planner: Martina Rinciari
Client Service Director: Beatrice Pagliughi
Account Director: Claudia Rapisarda
Account Executive: Lavinia Andolina
Chief Production Officer: Francesca Zazzera
Senior Producer: Antonella Capella
Art buyer: Giorgia Bellondi
Photographer: Rafa Jacinto
Agent: Kind Of Management
Production: Prodigious
Executive producer: Alessio Zazzera
Production Coordinator: Gianluca Stabile
Producer: Diego Guidotti

Read more: https://brand-news.it/brand/alimentari/beverage/ichnusa-pubblicita-abbandono-bottiglie-vetro/ ​​​​​​​